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Friday, March 26, 2010

Easter Quiz

After a week of "meat" as one friend likes to put it, we have another quiz for your edification. As the Biblical story of Easter does not lend itself as well to my style of "quiz", we have chosen a more secular approach. See how many answers you know.....

Why is a rabbit the symbol of Easter?

A. His fluffy white tale reminds us of the stone covering the tomb

B. His long ears remind us of Jesus’ ascension

C. Rabbits are known for quickly increasing their number, which is what happens to church attendance on Easter

D. All of the above.

If you hide an Easter Egg in a difficult place to find, by July

A. It will be easier to find

B. You won’t want to find it

C. The dog will find it and leave it on the new living room carpet

D. All of the above

What is the best way to eat a solid milk chocolate Easter Bunny?

A. Ears first

B. Head first

C. Tail first

D. In the doctor’s office, which is where you will end up if you eat an entire solid milk chocolate Easter Bunny

If Santa comes down the chimney, how does the Easter Bunny get in?

A. As anyone knows, through the garden

B. He sneaks in past the cat when you open the door

C. He lies still so the dog thinks he’s a chew toy and brings him inside

D. He never left. He’s been in your house the whole time!!!!!

There are tons of Christmas songs. Why are there so few Easter songs?

A. We don’t know the names or number of the bunny’s reindeer.

B. It’s hard to sing “Its Beginning to Look a Lot Like Easter” when there is snow all over the place.

C. “Here Comes Peter Cottontail” is a very jealous song and scares away all the other Easter songs.

D. “Claus” rhymes with more things than “Bunny”

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