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Monday, June 14, 2010

Jamie's Pictures

Well.... life is full of surprises. While we were away picking up our daughter from her week long higher education camp at Creighton University (Omaha), Mother Nature dumped six inches of rain on our house leading to water in the kids' bedroom. So higher ruminating has been placed on hold while we deal with pedestrian housing issues.

Still, I thought I would share two of the pictures Jamie took in her digital photography class. These are her two favorites and were matted by the instructor.


  1. Very nice. I do believe Jamie has an artist's eye!

  2. Sorry to hear about the water in the basement...we get that here from time to time, and it's no fun.

    Love the photo of the water lily especially!

  3. these are very nice...i especially loved the water lily and the intricate details she was able to capture in her photo. so, is she a chip off the old block??
