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Friday, January 29, 2010

Caption Contest

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Each issue the New Yorker offers a caption-less cartoon and invites readers to supply the caption. Three finalists are selected and then readers vote for the winner. The winner gets a signed copy of the cartoon.

I have entered but, alas, never won. Never been a finalist. But I keep trying.

Take a look at this week's offering at the above address. What would your caption be?

1 comment:

  1. I just checked it interesting cartoon but I got nothing. If you ever become a winner, be sure to let us know!

    Blogging 101 hint: Move your cursor over the word/word phrase you would like to have as a link. Then click "link" on the line above your blogger notepad. (if you have the older version of blogger it will be a funny symbol but say "hyperlink" as you scroll over it) Next, type in the internet address you wish to link. Now your readers will be able to jump directly from your link instead of copying and pasting into their browser. Easy peasy!
