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Friday, January 22, 2010

On Tiger!

Tiger Woods is now officially a role model. This week the New York Post published a grainy telephoto picture of Tiger Woods reportedly at a facility in Mississippi for Sexual Addiction. The implication of the picture, as I understood it, was "look! We caught Tiger Woods again!"

What Tiger did to end up in the rehab clinic may be deplorable, but his presence there is certainly not. And the media--and by that I mean largely the tabloid world--had better back off.

Addiction--be it drugs, alcohol, or sex--is a disease. It is treatable. It should be treated. By entering rehab, Tiger Woods is doing the right thing, the honorable thing. Unfortunately many in this country cannot discuss sexuality without sounding like sixth grade boys in the bathroom, so it is likely that Tiger's time in rehab will be played out in less than dignified terms.

But that is scandalous. It takes great courage to enter any rehab for addiction no matter what led up to the need. Many should and do not. Tiger's willingness to truly work to fix his life is commendable and laudable.

So if you are still laughing at Tiger---shut up. It is time to leave Tiger alone and learn from him.

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