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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who Am I Really?

My dear friend, Polly, was kind enough to promote me on her blog. If you are reading this you probably already know her.

Our conversation prompted me to reflect more on what I am really about here. Polly is conservative and she says I am liberal which, given those choices, is true.

But really I am pretty independent and have conservative and liberal friends. I read David Brooks and Gail Collins in the NYT and occasionally drift over to to see how they are spinning things.

In the end what I oppose is idiocy. I do not want idiots running the country. I do not want corporations running the country.

I object to dishonest discourse-- people who disagree on issues have a responsibility to represent the opposing view in such a way that the one holding that view would recognize it has their view

I object to corruption and greed and the lust for power in whatever form it takes

I object to ideology substituting for critical thinking

I object to the lack of critical thinking by leaders and the inability or lack of desire to make important critical distinctions

I object to those who feel entitled by privilege and those who feel entitled by sloth

Enough ranting.

I am independent, Christian, and an intellectual snob.


  1. 'snob'--it may be a word i've heard a time or two. :)

    stopping by and following per polly!

  2. Very well said, Jim, and all very valid points. I can't disagree. (I left my viewpoints on FB) Are you sure you aren't conservative?

  3. Who could disagree with that?? Stopping by from 5thsister's blog and I'm glad I did. A huge welcome to blogging, international as it is; I'm from Scotland. Very pleased to meet you, James.

  4. I feel like maybe, as a nation, we are on the cusp of transcending party on some issues. I don't know anyone who likes the recent Supreme Court ruling, lots of people on both sides would like to see the wars brought to a responsible close, and nobody is very happy with their health insurance, their premiums, or their lack of insurance in some cases.
    I try to keep my politics off my blog, though.

    I am in full favor of intellectual snobbery.

  5. Here from Polly's place. I always thought I was conservative until my family in Missouri said otherwise. Whatever I am, I hope I am beyond labels. I hope to see the good in people, serve God, be a friend, teach my children to love well, work hard, and play a lot. Come on over for a visit. Not sure we'll be your cup of tea...but it's worth a try. Holly

  6. Oh yeah...forgot to mention I'm Presbyterian too. Go to Menlo Park Pres with John Ortberg as senior pastor. I know pastors within a denomination often know each other. Have a great day. Holly

  7. dropped by from 5thsister...nice to meet you...agree on most, but our differences make life interesting, right?

  8. I have always classifed myself as a liberal republican or a conservative democrat, in other words, I am not much for extremes, especially when they lose all reasons withing them. I tend to love the side of reason.

  9. Brian-- You are right. Honest differences do indeed make life interesting. Thanks for looking the place over
