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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Haiku Wednesday

It is my understanding that in some parts of the blogosphere it is Haiku Wednesday. Today's theme is dance. As I have nothing else planned..... here is a modest effort.

Sun invited me

To dance in the shadows of

Crystal palaces

Moon invited me

To dance in the twilight of

Ancient cathedrals

Stars invited me

To dance past the threshold of

Time—infinite waltz

You invited me

To dance in hand-me-down-clothes

Alone in the dark

I said to the sun

The moon and the stars, thank you

My dance card is full


  1. Jim, these are really beautiful. I love the way you told a story and despite being offered the universe the subject chose to dance with the one that brought him happiness.

  2. Wonderful!! Truly stellar haiku! Thanks so much for joining our haiku-ing family :)

  3. Jenn--- you are welcome... thanks for having me :-)

  4. Wow! That is wonderful! Good message.

  5. WOW..very nice!
    Love to dance here!
    Very well done!
