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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Just a Question

The well has run dry a bit (or is it the tank after flushing? Not sure...) Anyway, can't really think of anything bloggable but I do have a question prompted by a conversation last night at a church social gathering. It is about Avatar

Now Avatar is not worth writing about. I have seen it, and it appears to be one dimensional characters on a freight train toward an inevitable ending. Not exactly the stuff of literature. It is, however, a technological marvel.

It has been written about, protested... I lose track and don't really care. My question is a lot more specific, and maybe even my question is not worthy of thought.

Last night someone told me that "a minister in Lincoln says to not watch it!" What??? Let me get this straight. Fictional aliens living on a fictional world in a fictional part of the universe in 3D aren't Christians? And we are supposed to have a problem with this? If I told my flock not to see the film because they would be led away by druid nature worship I should resign immediately because obviously I am not providing any substance by which they could withstand such an onslaught of propaganda.

Good heavens. Read what you want--watch what you want-- I guess all I ask is that you think about what you watch.

Feel free to advise me on this.....


  1. I agree with you on this one Jim. Being a Christian home schooling mom I am reminded of the looks and comments I receive, by some, regarding my love of all things Harry Potter. As if by my mere exposure to these literary tales I'll be so tainted and want to go out and start practicing witchcraft!

    However, I do believe that these folks are just a very vocal MINORITY of those who profess to be Christian.

    It's just a fact of life, I guess, that every faith has their radical fringe.

  2. ...and that is the rub. People just do not think. Perhaps they are scared of the answers they may find.

  3. I think I missed the actual question BUT, as always, I have an opinion.

    I was raised in a mainstream christian cult. I say cult because, although the doctrine was basically christian, the dogma and practices were utterly controlled and the ONLY way to salvation, determined by the leadership of the church and organization. And in that control, there was/is absolute rules. They control what you can listen to, read or watch. I remember them labeling STAR WARS satanic. Pop culture or the arts wasn't the only thing controlled, education wasn't just frowned on, it was basically forbidden.

    In other words, controlling everything, keeps the people dumb and unable to think for themselves. That makes them easily led and easily controllable.

    If a church or religion tells me now what I can or can't read, watch or hear, I am gone. My relationship with God is because I learn every day, God made me that way - if he trusts my mind, why shouldn't my pastor, minister or priest.

  4. Thanks Tracy... I think you summed it up nicely, whether there was ever a question or not. It is sad the number of people I meet who were religiously abused when young by authoritarian/manipulative religion. My your tribe increase (and mine, for that matter)

  5. Agreed. You can read only the Bible everyday, but if it doesn't inspire you to do one good work, what's the point?! You might as well have been reading some awesome comic books or listening to devil music, like Judas Priest. Man, I loved those late night shows in the eighties, where they played albums backwards and revealed the hidden messages. Imagine that, big flat record albums! Seems quaint, now.

  6. sometimes i wonder if we don't LIKE rules, because they give us an "easy" guide to live by - ?
